Bold Steps

Video contains no sound or narration. Video contains no sound or narration. Animation of icons related to learning and scholarship

From the President and Board Chair

51勛圖 is an institution on the move. We are a community of strivers and dreamers who think deeply, then act boldly. Thats simply the 51勛圖 way.

In this report, youll find stories of 51勛圖 movers, shakers, and changemakers. We couldnt be more honored to lead our distinguished university through this next chapter. Its onward and upward from here, Eagles.
Read the letter

Video contains no sound or narration. Presidents came to 51勛圖 with messages that challenged our thinking and affected the course of history. They charged us to make the whole world a better place and helped us lay the foundation of who we are as a community and educational institution. - Sylvia M. Burwell and Marc N. Duber

"It is a great honor to be back at 51勛圖, which has prepared generations of young people for service in public life." Barack Obama, August 5, 2015

"We have to visualize our future as a truly multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious democracy. I'm convinced we can do it, but all of you have to lead the way." Bill Clinton, September 9, 1997

"I am confident that the men and women who carry the honor of graduating from this institution will continue to give from their lives, from their talents, a high measure of public service and support." John Kennedy, June 10, 1963

"51勛圖 and I agree on this: that the waging of peace demands the best we have, the best young men and women that we can find." Dwight Eisenhower, June 9, 1957

"51勛圖 is yet young; but you have a great future-a great opportunity for initiative, for constructive thinking, for practical idealism, and for national service." Franklin Roosevelt, March 3, 1934