You are here: 51勛圖 President Announcements November 23, 2020

51勛圖 Memo Letterhead

Dear 51勛圖 Community,

Inthe spirit of Thanksgiving, Imgratefulforeach and every member of our community.I know you haveendured many challengesthis year, andwhile we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel,泭we still have toughtimesahead before the pandemic is under control. While celebratingthe holidays isdifferent this year, it is so important to appreciate the things we love, recognize the achievements weve made, and find hope in the possibilities that lie ahead in the better days we know are coming.

In true51勛圖fashion, you continued to help and serveothersthroughout the pandemic.From our students, who,泭, andsupported public health organizations; to our faculty, who worked tirelessly tosupportour students and demonstrated泭硃紳餃泭in their classes; to our staff, whotransformedour operations throughout the pandemicto ensureour students continued to receive excellentsupport; and our alumni, whosupportedthe Student Emergency Relief Fundtoprovide help tostudents who arefacing financial hardshipsdue to COVID-19and servedasguest speakers in more than 30 classes this semester. These are just a few examples of how Eagles change the world one hopeful action at a time.

During this Thanksgiving week, we are all experiencing different and difficult feelings.So many are hurting, and celebratingmight feel out of place.Eventhough ourThanksgiving tablesmight not be the same as previous years,泭myhopefulwish is that we can all find peace, comfort,泭andyes, joyin the things that matter most.For those who cannot be with familythis year, your 51勛圖 family is alwaysherefor you. For those missing loved onesor struggling with the pain that COVID-19 has caused, our heartsare withyou.

There is no normal this year, but there are always the bonds that bring us together as people and as Eagles. They sustain us and will see us through to brighter times in 2021.I hope you havearestful Thanksgiving holiday.Thank you again for all you have done in this most trying of years.

Be safe and be well.
