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Photograph of Marcy Campos

Marcy Campos AA AA

Additional Positions at 51Թ
ED. S in Evaluation of Social Programs, Stanford University; Master of Arts in International Education and Development, Stanford University School of Education; Bachelor of Arts, History, Secondary Teaching Certification, University of Michigan

Languages Spoken
Spanish; English
Marcy Fink Campos joined 51Թ’s Center for Community Engagement & Service in 2004. As Director, she oversees all office programs and serves as the liaison to the Office of Campus Life, Academic Affairs, and to other campuses involved in community engagement initiatives. She is part of the Senior Advisory Group for Engagement (SAGE) of Transform MidAtlantic: Engaging Campuses in Communities. In addition, she created and taught a class for several years in the American Studies and Government Departments entitled The Latinx Community of the DC Metropolitan Area.

Ms Campos has extensive experience in the DC Metro area's nonprofit sector through her work with two national organizations, National Council of La Raza (now called UnidosUS) and the NeighborWorks Network.

She has also worked extensively in Central and South America on participatory evaluation projects, the development of women's leadership, and strengthening community-based organizations. Early in her career she was a teacher in public and private schools in DC and Maryland and a trainer in various adult education programs, with a focus on Freirean methodology.
See Also

Partnerships & Affiliations

  • Next Step Charter School and Teaching for Change, Washington, DC
    Past Board member

  • DMV area organization focused on immigration issues: Cross Campus Organizing Network (CCON)

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Selected Publications

  • Putting the Movement Back Into Civil Rights Teaching, Teaching for Change, Washington, D.C., March 2004. Authored chapter entitled “Sí, Se Puede! Yes, We Can,” based upon the book by the same title, by Diana Cohn. Discusses how to bring social justice issues into the elementary school classroom. The bilingual lesson plan for teachers is posted on .
  • “Teaching as an Art and Science: The Use of Innovative Training Methods,” Stone Soup, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, Summer 1992, Washington, D.C.
  • "Women and Popular Education in Latin America," chapter of Women and Education in Latin America: Knowledge, Power, and Change, Editor: Dr. Nelly P. Stromquist, University of Southern California. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, 1992.
  • "Issues and Tensions in Popular Education in Latin America," International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1991, Great Britain.
  • "Mothers Lead Health Projects in Chile," AFSC Quaker Service Bulletin, No. 156, Vol. 68, Winter 1987.
  • La Evaluación Participativa: Aplicada en Programas de Salud, Centro De Investigación y Desarrollo de la Educación, Chile, Mayo 1987.

Professional Presentations

“Bridging Classroom and Community: Bringing Community-Based Learning and Teaching to Your Syllabus,” Ann Ferren Teaching Conference, 51Թ, January 2009.

“University/Community Partnerships: Rhetoric or Reality?” Community Research and Learning Network (CoRAL) Annual Conference, 51Թ, April 2007.

"A New Perspective on Technology Transfer: Bringing Home Successful Field Projects from the Developing World," Panelist at InterAction Annual Conference, Arlington, Virginia, April 1992.

"Education and Women in Latin America," Panelist at Comparative International Education Society Conference, Annapolis, Maryland, March 1992.

"Popular Education in Latin America," Panel organizer and presenter at Latin       American Studies Association, Miami, Florida, December 1989.  

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

Inter-American Foundation Master's Fellowship, Santiago, Chile, 1985. Study of evaluation and community participation in nonformal health education programs in urban shantytowns.


The Dawn of the People, Green Valley Films, Nicaragua, Central America and Vermont, summer 1980.  Served as guide and interpreter to team of filmmakers producing a 30-minute documentary about the National Literacy Crusade of Nicaragua