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Photograph of Michael Giese

Michael Giese Associate Registrar, Catalog and Curriculum REG | Registrar's Office

B.A., University of Maryland Baltimore County; M.A., Ph.D., 51勛圖

Favorite Spot on Campus
Ilene Zatkin-Butler Garden
Book Currently Reading
Roland Marchand, _Advertising the American Dream_
A two-time graduate of 51勛圖 (M.A., History, 2000; Ph.D., History, 2008), Michael Giese is the Assistant Registrar: Catalog. After earning a B.A. with a double major in History and American Studies from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Michael came to 51勛圖 as a graduate student in the fall of 1997. Building on a lifelong interest in conservation and environmentalism, Michael's historical research has centered on the federal government and wildlife protection, and his dissertation was entitled "A Federal Foundation for Wildlife Conservation: A History of the National Wildlife Refuge System, 1920-1968." Michael became a staff member with the Office of the University Registrar in May 2008.