You are here: 51勛圖 Student Affairs One Card & Dining Services One Card Policies

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Mon - Thurs: 9 a.m. - noon, 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.;
Fri: 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.;
Sat, Sun: Closed

One Card & Dining Services 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016 United States

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One Card Issuance Policy

You may only hold one (1) One Card at a time. If you are a staff or faculty member, as well as a student, you must hold a Staff or Faculty One Card. If you are an alumnus and a current student, staff member, or faculty member, you are ineligible for an Alumni One Card.

By submission of your photo, you hereby give permission to 51勛圖 (University) to use your name and image, visual likeness, portrait, or photograph taken of you during your affiliation with 51勛圖, without compensation, in all forms and media (including but not limited to publications, websites, catalogues, brochures, books, magazines, photo exhibits, motion picture films, and/or video) for any promotional, marketing, or any other purpose which the University deems fit in the interest of education, knowledge, research, marketing, advertising, or public relations. If, at any time, you object to the use of your likeliness, you may notify Dining and Auxiliary Services, in writing, and request that your photo be removed. Such request will be honored by the University.

Lost or Stolen Card Policy

Lost Cards

If you lose your One Card,notify the One Card & Dining Services office to freeze your One Card for building access and stored value accounts through an . You will need your university credentials to log-in and submit the request.

  • Previously issued One Cards cannot be reactivated
  • There is a $25fee to replace a lost or stolen One Card, or for damage to a One Card that is beyond normal wear and tear.
  • The fee can be paid by credit card, debit card, or can be billed to a student's Eagle Service account. We do not accept Eaglebucks as a form of payment.
  • A One Card must be replaced if your name, 51勛圖ID number, or photo is faded beyond recoginition.
  • A new photo will be requested at the time of replacement if the photo on file is more than a year old.
  • All access, clearances, Eaglebucks will transfer to your replacement card. Printing access will take up to 24 hours to sync.
  • You may not have more than one (1) One Card at a time.
  • Staff and faculty members who are also students must have a staff or faculty One Card.

Stolen Cards

If your One Card is stolen, notify the One Card & Dining Services office to freeze your One Card for building access and stored value accounts through an . You will need your university credentials to login to submit the request.

The $25replacement fee associated with stolen cards is waived with the documentation of a report filed with the proper authorities:

  • Local Police Department
  • University Police

Confirmation of a police report must be presented at the time of issuance of a new card to waive the replacement fee. The One Card must be listed as one of the items stolen in the report. Submitting the reporting police officer's name and report number is not acceptable documentation for the fee to be waived. Refunds will not be issued if a police report is submitted after payment is received.

Your access clearances and stored value will transfer immediately to your new card. Please see details in "Access" below for additional troubleshooting details.

Found a lost One Card?

If you come across a lost One Card, please return it to one of the following locations:

  • One Card & Dining Services (Mary Graydon Center, Room 123)
  • University Police (East Campus)

Please note that lost University Pass Cards (U*Pass) are not managed by One Card & Dining Services. They should be returned to Parking and Commuter Services, located on East Campus in the Don Meyers Technology & Innovation Building.

Access (Building and Financial)

One Cards maintain building access (respective to an individual's current status and authorization), as well as access to Eaglebucks and meal plans.

All general account information from previously issued One Card transfer to the replacement cards. The below information, however, outlines details to support any issues you may encounter.

Building access:

  • For individuals with access to key boxes designated by the University Police, contact after you have received a replacement card to notify University Police that a new card has been issued.
  • For residential students encountering issues accessing residence hall or room, contact

Meal Plan and Eaglebucks:

  • If you have notified the One Card Office that your card was lost or stolen, and you have found it, send an email to from your university email account to unfreeze your Eaglebucks.
  • Individuals who have received a replacement for a lost or stolen One Card should send a notification to to ensure that there is no interruption to printing funds.

Replacement Fee Policy

There is a $25replacement fee for One Cards that are:

  • lost
  • stolen (without proper documentation)
  • damaged beyond normal wear and tear (including but not limited tosplits, worn photos, cracks)

This fee applies to all cardholders including: students, staff, faculty, contractors, chaplains, community members, guests, alumni, and neighbors.

  • The replacement fee may be paid with credit card, debit card, orbilled to an enrolled Eagle Service account.
  • The $25replacement fee may be waived for a stolen One Card if an official police report is brought to the One Card & Dining Services at the time of replacement. The One Card must be listed as one of the items stolen in the report. Submitting the reporting police officer's name and report number is not acceptable documentation for the fee to be waived. Refunds will not be issued if a police report is submitted after payment has been received.
  • You will not receive a refund if you find your previously issued One Card AFTER receiving a replacement card.
  • Previously issued One Cards cannot be reactivated. We recommend disposing your previously issued One Card (if found after replacement) in a similar fashion as a credit card or other important documentation.

Updating Your One Card

If your One Card needs to be updated due to damage, status, or a name change, return your previously issued One Card to avoid the $25replacement fee, unless otherwise noted in the details below.

Your access clearances and stored value will transfer immediately to your new card.


  • You are required to update your One Card if your One Card becomes worn beyond recognition.
  • One Cards damaged beyond normal wear and tear cost $25to replace.

Status Change

  • You are required to update your One Card if your status with the university changes - you must update your One Card if your status as a student, faculty, or staff member changes.
  • If you are an on-campus resident and move off campus, you must replace your One Card to receive the appropriate color-coded border.

Legal Name Change

Legal name changes may be printed on a replacement One Card if the proper documentation is provided. Preferred names, middle names, and professional titles may not be printed on your One Card.

  • The following official government documents reflecting your name change are accepted: marriage license, divorce record, name change petition, or gender and name change petition.
  • Current accepted government-issued photo IDs reflecting your name change including: driver's licenses, passports, military IDs, and international identification cards.
  • Credit cards with your photo printed on the front are not considered avalid form of identification.
  • The fee for replacement cards will only be waived if you present your most current One Card at the time of replacement.

Updating your One Card Photo

By taking or submitting a photo for your university ID Card, you give permission to 51勛圖 ("University") to use your name and image, visual likeness, portrait, or photograph taken of you during your affiliation with 51勛圖, without compensation, in all forms and media (including but not limited to publications, websites, catalogues, brochures, books, magazines, photo exhibits, motion picture films, and/or video) for any promotional, marketing, or any other purpose which the University deems fit in the interest of education, knowledge, research, marketing, advertising, or public relations.

  • You may take an updated picture in the One Card & Dining Services office.
  • You may resubmit an acceptable photo on via your my51勛圖 Portal. However, please be reminded that peak hours during the start of each semester will delay processing of online photo submissions.
  • Your access clearances and stored value will transfer immediately to your new card.