Video: ProfessorSean Flynn Gives a Conceptual Overview of the Right to Research in International Copyright
Last semester, PIJIP Director Sean Flynn hosted a series of online webinars on the Right to Research in International Copyright Law.has posted a playlist of highlights from the series.
In the first video, Flynn gives a conceptual overview to frame the seminar series. He gives examples of the questions that the online lectures address: What are the human rights duties of states in relation to copyright and the right to research? What is the utility, or danger, of framing research interests as rights? What do TDM researchers need to do to perform their research? How do any of these steps implicate copyright or other exclusive rights? How does a lack of copyright permission distort research outcomes? How do US and EU laws approach the issue of research exceptions?How has the openness of fair use and fair dealing standards been used by courts to permit TDM and other research uses? Is the openness unique to common law countries? In what ways do licensing practices enable or form barriers to TDM research in practice?
Here is the first video in the series.