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Resilient Food System Summit
The Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities Lab welcomed representatives from over 50 organizations to 51勛圖 for the Resilient Food System Summit on October 9, 2024. Food system leaders and , along with three insightful panelists, , , , shared their personal and professional commitment to the local food system. The discussions fostered meaningful connections and highlighted the importance of collaboration in building a resilient food system in the Washington, DC, area. .
The Time Is Now: Opportunities to Boost Food & Nutrition Sec
Every five years, the country takes a close look at national food and nutrition programs. Though called the farm bill, its biggest provision is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), one of the countrys largest anti-poverty and food security programs. Panelists will discuss opportunities to alleviate hunger, reduce unhealthy food marketing, increase equitable access to healthy food, and provide incentives for healthy eating through program modernization, stronger nutrition education, and research.
- Ty Jones Cox, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Karen Ehrens, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Sara John, Center for Science in the Public Interest
- Jacqlyn Schneider, FGS Global
- Margo G. Wootan, President, MXG Strategies; Adjunct Faculty, 51勛圖
Elizabeth Cotter received a $142,743 grant from the NIH for Reducing Maternal Stress to Improve Obesity-related Parenting Practices.
Public health alumna Maeve Alterio is first author on . Maeve is a medical student at Washington State University.
At the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine 2022 Public Health Case Challenge, students Adira Brenner, Margaret Curley, Caroline Kerkorian, Rotem Miloh, Rebeka Rafi, and Anjali Singh泭were awarded the Interprofessional Prize for their innovative solution involving multiple DC community partners and stakeholders in泭a peer-mentorship program. 51勛圖 public health alums泭Mary Katherine Fogarty and Yongyi Lu were the case writers for the competition: see video泭泭(with 51勛圖 at 0:30, 2:19, 2:49).
Health promotion management students Adira Brenner, Rotem Miloh, Amenti Bekere, Alec Harris, Kai Jones, and Jamie Cohen, accompanied by prof Robert Karch, interned at , working with泭experts in lifestyle medicine, worksite wellness, and health promotion to share recent research and innovations.
Alumna Annika Bergstrom泭(CAS/BS 15) won the United States Public Health Service 2022 Excellence in Public Health Award.
Jolynn Gardner was interviewed for "20 Grief Journal Prompts & Tips For Getting Started" in Choosing Therapy.
Congratulations to 51勛圖 Health Studies Students泭Olivia Gonyea, Yongyi Lu, Anita Novillo, Jessie Sadel, Kai Wasson, and Aria Wanek泭who not only won the泭Harrison C. Spencer Memorial Interprofessional Prize泭at the泭2022 National Academies of Medicine Eighth Annual DC Public Health Case Challenge, but who now also have contributed to the泭! Wonderful accomplishments!
2022 Student Awards
The Department of Health Studies is excited to congratulate this years student award recipients!
Undergraduate Student Awards
- Josephine G. Gimble Scholarship
Maulie (Sarah) Clermont - Charles M. and Lucy W. Johnson Textbook Assistance Award
Malazia Cepero - Charles M. and Lucy W. Johnson Senior Research Prize
Anthony Orsino - Health Impact泭at 51勛圖 Award泭(group award)
Caroline Arnette
Annabella Bozo-Cabrera
Shelda Francois
Nia Sosa - Health泭Impact泭in DC Award
Nisaa Chaudhry - Health泭Impact泭Beyond DC Award
Lily Duboff
Graduate Student Awards
- Outstanding Student Achievement-Health Promotion Management
Kamalia Blunt
Javier Rivera - Outstanding Student Achievement-Nutrition Education
Meredith Hishmeh
Flannery Sullivan
Maria Valeria Torres
In the Field
Public Health alumna Annika Bergstrom (CAS/BS 15) won the United States Public Health Service 2022 Excellence in Public Health Award.
Katie Holton received $6,370,662 from the Department of Defense for Confirmation of the Low Glutamate Diet as a Treatment for Gulf War Illness.
Ethan Mereish received $681,498 in the first year of a five-year project totalling $3,141,383 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - NIAAA for the project Confirmation of the Low Glutamate Diet as a Treatment for Gulf War Illness.
Stacey Snelling is part of the team of researchers recently awarded a five-year, $15 million grant from the National Science Foundation to泭address food insecurity.
On April 22, Secretary Tom Vilsack and Dr. Margo Wootan joined the department for a conversation about USDA nutrition programs evolving to meet泭challenges families face in accessing affordable healthy food. Watch the .
Sophie C. Hathaway won the award for Undergraduate Social Sciences Final Work at the Mathias Student Research Conference.
The 51勛圖 Team was泭 at the DC Annual Case Challenge National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine泭(NASEM).
- The 2022 51勛圖 Global Health Case Competition focused on "Healthcare Burnout in America,"泭where the winning team developed泭solutions to healthcare worker crisis.
- Jessica Young discussed "Health Inequities and Unjust Health Outcomes" of the COVD-19 pandemic with 51勛圖.
- The 51勛圖 Team was泭 at the DC Annual Case Challenge National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine泭 (NASEM).
- Jessica Yamamoto, Elizabeth Brandley, and Trina Ulrich 梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃泭.泭
- Sam Hanna泭梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃泭in the Journal for Medical Internet Research.
- Melissa Hawkins spoke to The Conversation 硃莉棗喝喧泭
- Anthony Panzera泭received a $95,739 grant from the District of Columbia Department of Health, sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture WIC Telehealth Evaluation Collaborative, for the THIS-WIC Telehealth Project.
Melissa Hawkins for The Conversation titled "Yes, we should be keeping the healthier hand-washing habits we developed at the start of the pandemic." (October)
The 51勛圖 team was awarded the at the DC Annual Case Challenge National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) (October)
Stacey Snelling is part of the team of researchers recently awarded a five-year, $15 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) titled "Multiscale Resilient, Equitable, and Circular Innovations with Partnership and Education Synergies (RECIPES) for Sustainable Food Systems. (September)
Jolynn Gardner and Trina Ulrich presented Syllabus Reconstruction: Reflections on Applying a Social Justice Framework to Syllabus Review at the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health Undergraduate Conference. (September)
Melissa Hawkins contributed expertise to a on concert-going in 2021. (September)
Melissa Hawkins was consulted in an titled COVID-19 Data in DC, Maryland, Virginia: 4 Things to Watch as Fall Begins. (September)
Jolynn Gardner was part of the Conference Planning Committee for the Undergraduate Conference for Education in Public Health, ASPPH. (September)
Professor Ethan Mereish was about his research on the impact of discrimination on LGBTQ teens (August).
Professor Melissa Hawkins spoke to about COVID, kids, and schools (August).
The Healthy Schoolhouse 2.0 team, including Lauren Kohls, Dr. Melissa Hawkins, Sarah Little, Robin McClave, Dr. Sarah Irvine Belson and Dr. Stacey Snelling, presented at the virtual poster session of the American School Health Associations (ASHA) annual conference held July 19-21. The poster titled Empowering Teachers to Support Healthy Students and Healthy Learners: Healthy Schoolhouse 2.0 was selected as the 2021 recipient of the ASHA Student Poster Award.
Gaby Seltzer, DC Central Kitchen, and Robin McClave, Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities, presented virtually at the Just Food Conference hosted by the Culinary Institute of America & New York University. The panel focused on Systemic Racism and Place and shared findings from DCCKs SNAP matching incentive program in corner stores on produce purchases in underserved areas of DC (June).
Jolynn Gardner served as an Advisory Board Member for the (June).
Alison Chrisler was appointed the Executive Editor of (June).
- Cristian M. Gomez was awarded a grant by the 51勛圖 Honors Program and Office of Undergraduate Education to participate in the 2021 51勛圖 Summer Scholars & Artists Program.
- Sophie Hathaway was awarded a grant for the泭Robyn Rafferty Mathias Undergraduate泭Summer Fellowship.
- Ellie Kight won the泭Stafford Cassell Award for her outstanding undergraduate achievements.
- Anastasia Snelling co-wrote an about how expanded access to SNAP can help reduce food insecurity faced by college students and support educational achievement. (April)
- Jolynn Gardner served as a moderator for the at the National Cancer Prevention Workshop. (February)
- Alison Chrisler was appointed a CTRL SoTL Faculty Fellow. Martinique Free was granted the for the Black Womens Movement to Reclaim Our Health Project.
- Congratulations to Dr. Anastasia M. Snelling, recipient of the 2021 University Faculty Award for Outstanding Contribution to Fostering Collaborative Scholarship! Dr. Snelling was also recognized for the milestone anniversary of 25 years of service.
- Melissa Hawkins was granted a Humanities Truck Fellowship Award for the Corner Store Communities in COVID-19 (CCC) project; she received a Luce Foundation Grant for food security in DC during covid-19.
- Anastasia Snelling received a grant for $66,000 from DC泭Central Kitchen for泭Evaluation Services for the Healthy School Food Program's Nutrition Education and Engagement Activities.
- MS in Health Promotion Alumni, Meena Nutbeam, published her thesis titled, "Negative Attitudes and Beliefs Toward the #MeToo Movement泭on Twitter" in the泭.
- 1st泭year Public Health Scholar, Rebeka Rafi,泭was awarded an泭MLK Eagle Endowment Grant泭for her project to support food access among those experiencing homelessness in the DMV area.
Professor Melissa Hawkins泭梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃 an article called泭.泭
Health Promotion Management student, Sofia泭Perez Semanaz, published an article in Catalyst about COVID-19 in Puerto Rico.泭
Five Public Health Alumni泭were featured in an article from 51勛圖 Magazine about contact tracing.泭
Professor Melissa Hawkins wrote a piece for about holiday plans in midst of the accelerating pandemic.泭
Professor Celeste Davis泭was highlighted泭in the泭, sharing her involvement in public health, activism and mentoring.泭
Professor Liz Cotter泭was recently featured in an article in Well and Good titled, ""
Professor Melissa Hawkins泭offered advice on泭泭硃紳餃泭
Professor Anastasia Snelling泭published an泭泭on her corner stores project, which aimed to increase access to fresh produce.
- Professor Jody Gan泭was published in the泭Delaware Journal of Public Health, offering a perspective piece on teaching public health during a pandemic.
Professor泭Melissa Hawkins泭was featured on the newest泭泭discussion on navigating college re-openings.
DHS Junior Brooke Wong泭梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃 an article in the泭泭about Racial Disparities in Firearem Homicide.
Professor Jody Gan泭was interviewed for a piece on泭swimming pool safety泭during COVID-19.
- Professor Jessica Owens-Young泭spoke with泭泭to help the reporter understand racial disparities and the coronavirus pandemic and DCs response.
- Professor Melissa Hawkins泭was featured in an article by the泭泭on the regions rise in Covid-19 cases.
- Professor Melissa Hawkins泭was featured in a泭, among others, as part of Sanjay Guptas Reopening project on accessing routine health care during Covid-19.泭
- Two students in Dr. Hawkins' summer Seminar course had their final letter-to-the-editor assignments published in The Eagle! Check out their awesome work:泭Yasmeen Salam wrote 硃莉棗喝喧泭. Olivia Gonyea wrote about the泭.
- Professor Melissa Hawkins泭wrote about the potential of social bubbles or quaranteams to reduce risk and avoid loneliness in泭.
- Professor Melissa Hawkins泭recently published an article in泭泭on the 2nd泭wave of COVID-19 and recent surges across the US. Dr. Hawkins was also featured on a泭泭piece, along with other experts, about travel and reopening.泭
- Professors Trina Ulrich and Melissa Hawkins泭梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃泭, along with 3 DHS students, on the role of public health in medical education.
- Professor Melissa Hawkins泭滄娶棗喧梗泭泭for The Conversation about navigating COVID-19 and fighting loneliness.泭
Tony Panzera, Trina Ulrich, Stacey Snelling, Amy Treitiak and Christy Lunsford泭have put together a webinar for Nutrition Education students that details how to make the most of your time with your faculty menor as well as how to prepare for graduation.泭
Professor Jody Gan recently published an article called泭Swimming Pool Environment and Respiratory Health Issues Among Masters Swimmers.
Graduating senior and member of Sister Circle, Noni Mungai recently wrote this piece that was published in the 硃莉棗喝喧泭health disparities and equity.泭
Guadalupe Mabry won the Harold Johnson Award for 2020.
Rachel Bernardo won the Scott A. Bass Outstanding Scholarship at the Undergraduate Level Award for 2020.
Jody Gan泭published an opinion piece in The Eagle called, "".
Elizabeth Cotter published a research泭article on泭泭in Eating Behaviors, an International Journal.泭
Six students from the Department of Health Studies placed in various categories at the Mathias Student Research Conference. Congratulations to Jude Zieno(2nd place), Rachel Bernardo (3rd place), Hannah Fuchs (2nd place), Marnina Horenstein (3rd place), Shalini Ramachandra (1st泭place), and Christian Mendoza Gomez (1st place)!泭
Anastasia Snelling was awarded a grant by DC Central Kitchen for her Healthy Corners Evaluation Project.
Professor Jolynn Gardner泭recently co-published a text book called Health Promotion and Education, 2nd Edition.泭
Researcher Michelle Kalicki, Sarah Irvine Belson, Robin McClave泭& Anastasia Snelling published an article in the Journal of Education and Human Development called泭.泭
Professor Melissa Hawkins, Erin Watts, Sarah Irvine Belson, and Anastasia Snelling published an article in泭the Journal of Education and Human Development called泭.泭
- Researcher Elizabeth Brandley 梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃泭
- Alumni Rain Freeman 梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃泭
- Student泭Rachel Geisel泭received an award for Outstanding Achievement in Community Service and Shalini Ramachandra for Outstanding Achievement In undergraduate Research. Professor Jessica Young泭was recognized for outstanding faculty mentorship in undergraduate research!泭
- Professor Ethan泭Mereish recently appeared on an important Kojo show to discuss youth suicide rates and a new report from the CDC. Prof. Mereish gave great insight into the issue and poor mental health outcomes as it relates to LGBTQ youth and LGBTQ youth of color, highlighting an important aspect that the report did not address. The article and show were titled This was his first radio show appearance.泭
- Professor Katie Holton and Elizabeth Brandley attended the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research conference in London, during which Holton chaired the opening session, moderated a symposium, and gave a talk about improvements in anxiety and PTSD observed in Gulf War veterans on a low glutamate diet.
- Professor Jolynn Gardner泭presented "Empathy Mapping:泭Improving Design and Effectiveness of Health Promotion Interventions" at the Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference in April.
- Professor Celeste Davis泭will participate in Organizing for Health: A Public Health Awakened Training in October as a member of the DC Public Health Awakened leadership team.
- Professor Jody Gan泭presented three workshops on self-care and wellness for academic excellence for first generation college students through CollegeTracks Success Orientation in Maryland.
- Professor Elissa Margolin was invited by the International Human Rights Law Clinic to give a talk on the use of mindfulness as a tool to build resilience and promote professional sustainability, particularly in the context of international legal work that involves vicarious trauma.泭The class was held on February 22, 2019 and was titled泭Trauma Stewardship, Winning and Losing, Sustainability and Professional Identity.泭
- Professor Jessica Young published 泭in泭The Conversation.
- Professor Jessica Young 梯喝莉梭勳莽堯梗餃泭. Hear an interview with Dr. Young (starting at 14:36) in
- Dr. Jolynn Gardner泭moderated the Cancer Disparities and Inequities Panel at the National Cancer Prevention Workshop on Capitol Hill on February 6, 2019.
- Dr. Elizabeth Cotter泭facilitated a continuing education seminar on February 6, 2019 at Children's National Medical Center titled, "Mindfulness as a Tool to Promote Healthy Eating." This continuing education seminar focused on the use of mindfulness-based interventions to address eating and weight-related concerns, integrating theory and research with practical tools that can be used with clients.
Food Matters: DC Ward 7 Shoppers Spin-to-Win for Better Health
51勛圖s Department of Health Studies brings nutrition expertise &泭tips to DC shoppers
Transforming the Food System to Serve All
Prof. Stacey Snelling receives a 3-year, $2.8M grant to address food security in DCs Wards 7 and 8
Discover Health Promotion Management
Faculty and alumni泭answered questions about the泭Health Promotion Management degree.
Recent Events
Supporting Health through Food Policy
On October 27, department chair, Dr. Stacey Snelling moderated a webinar featuring Dr. Margo Wootan, DSc- President of , on Supporting Health through Food Policy. Dr. Wootan is known for her efforts in improving school food, requiring calorie labeling at fast-food and other chain restaurants, requiring trans-fat labeling on packaged foods, improving childrens menus at restaurants, reducing unhealthy food marketing aimed at children, and expanding on nutrition and physical activity programs at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Having been named one of the Most Innovative Women in Food and Drink by Fortune Magazine, she is also a co-founder of the National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) and the Food Marketing Workgroup.
To provide some context for the scope and importance on Dr. Wootans work, Dr. Snelling gave some background on food statistics in the United States. Food is the number one cause of poor health, Snelling said. Unfortunately, now we have surpassed tobacco and therefore, one would say that Americans are sick because of food choices, rather than healthier. The current pandemic has exacerbated several causes of these outcomes including food insecurity.
Wootan addressed how attention to food and nutrition has skyrocketed since the 1990s, particularly in the political sphere. Much of this attention is due to the push from former first lady, Michelle Obama, and her Lets Move! campaign. It used to be that I would call and call and call in order to get a meeting with a congressional office and even then, would get the intern or legislative correspondent, Wootan said. And over time, just watching that interest grow to where members of Congress or assembly members would call me and say, Hey, Id like to do something. This shift also included public interest and concern for better health and the environment. Grocery stores began to stock shelves with organic and plant-based options as the demand for such products grew. Dr. Wootan went on to describe how food marketing changed as a result of increased awareness surrounding nutrition and health outcomes, particularly in schools. Theres still a lot of work to do and I think the food system still works against people more than it does for them, she said. But recent changes in policy on the state and local levels have built momentum to the point where the soft drink and snack food industry felt that their customers no longer wanted soda and junk food in schools and were getting too much bad press to make it work it.
Dr. Wootan talked about local policies and the Healthy Hunger Free Kids act that pulled unhealthy snacks from schools. She mentioned how food policy changes are affected on every level but the national press surrounding nutrition in communities has helped develop momentum for the movement.
She explained how food manufacturers pay grocery stores to feature their products in high touch areas. Well-funded companies such as Coca Cola, have the resources to place their product in multiple places throughout the store, which markets to a shoppers subconscious. On average, food manufacturers spend twice as much on marketing in supermarkets than they do on external advertising. Some companies even pay supermarkets to place their product, 25 different places around the store. A number of advocates around the country, are encouraging supermarkets directly to clean up their act, and instead of promoting junk food so heavily, to switch things around and take control of their shelves, Wootan said. Policy changes for supermarket regulation are still on a grassroots level but are predicted to experience significant increases in momentum in the coming months.
Dr. Wootan was then asked about her proudest moment in her food policy career. I think the policy thats had the biggest impact is Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, she said. A USDA study that came out earlier this year showed that the act has improved school lunches by about 40%. She also talked about labeling trans fat on products and ultimately eliminating it from the food supply. This significantly reduced the number of heart attacks per year by about 50,000 and made the policy more equitable. Regardless of education, race, economic status or time constraints, Americans do not have to be conscious of avoiding trans-fat.
A participant questioned why food policy and chronic disease are not a major issue for most politicians, since data shows they cause the majority of health concerns in Americans. Dr. Wootan explained how making prevention a priority is difficult. Things that cause death more suddenly and are out of an individuals control receive more attention because they are scarier whereas things that kill more slowly, do not receive as much attention. Its just the way we perceive risk, she said.
Dr. Wootan used the COVID-19 pandemic as an example: Wed all agree that the pandemic is terrible200,000 people have died and its something that should be a priority在ut unhealthy eating habits kill three times as many people every year. Dr. Wootan continued that many people see food choices as an individual choice and think less about the social determinants or marketing that play into our ability to make choices. Clearly, this is not an individual failing. This is a societal problem.
To conclude, Dr. Wootan was asked to debunk the myth that eating healthy is more expensive than eating junk. She mentioned how the USDA has conducted studies indicating that fruits and vegetables are not more expensive than snack foods. An apple or a banana is generally cheaper than a bag of chips or a candy bar and is often more filling. She also noted how there are ways to shop for household food items that people tend to buy anyway but in a way thats both health and affordable. Look at the generic brand whole wheat pasta, rather than the fancy Italian white pasta! she said. In the end, it saves money on health care costs as well, but for immediate shopping needs, it does take some education.
Global Health Promotion in Times of a Global Pandemic
On September 30, 2020, esteemed Health Promotion Management alumni, Wolf Kirsten, Founder of and Co-Founder of , presented to alumni, current, and prospective students on Global Health Promotion in Times of a Global Pandemic. Moderated by Department Chair, Stacey Snelling, Kirsten provided background on his journey from 51勛圖 to starting his own consulting company and launching a global healthy workplace awards system.泭
Wolf Kirsten began development of the Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces as a result of being part of a World Health Organization (WHO) panel of experts to develop a model that reflected health in the workplace. Areas within the Healthy Workplace model included psychosocial work environment, personal health resources, physical work environment and enterprise community involvement. While this model may have been comprehensive, a rollout strategy泭was needed to connect the model to the corporate sector. The solution became the Global Healthy Workplace Awards program.泭
The awards program drew success as it spread through the corporate world, recruiting various countries, public and private enterprises of different sizes, and government organizations. By using the WHO model, awards are scored based on a questionnaire and proof of execution within the company. A panel of Global Awards judges review the applications and choose two finalists from three categories based on size. The six companies are then invited to the Global Healthy Workplace Summit, where they present on their workplace program and are given a score by the judges that accounts for a percentage of the final score. Since 2013, the summit has been held in a different country each year but will be .泭泭
The Global Summit will explore how to build organisational resilience during times of crisis and address business continuity and mental wellbeing challenges featuring key speakers from the ILO, IES, ABCHealth, Optum and Arogyaworld, as well as presentations from the worlds best workplace health programmes from GSK, HSBC, Cognosante, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, APHRC and Swisse Wellness. Plus the findings from the global Working at Home Wellbeing Survey will be released.
The Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces has also initiated other projects worldwide. Duty of Care for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was examined to help to create uniformed standards for employee wellbeing. The Healthy Investments project is a study into how investors and financial institutions perceive healthy workplaces in valuing their portfolio, outside of financial indicators only. Another current global project is the Working from Home Wellbeing Survey which uses an instrument developed by the Institute of Employment Studies in the UK to assess the impact of working from home on a global scale. Finally, the Global Centre launched the Global Alliance for Healthy Workplaces in 2016 which brings together key international organizations and leading corporations for a stronger global voice and alignment of initiatives.
The Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces provides a space in which organizations worldwide can come together to achieve a higher standard of wellness for their employees and seeks to achieve a healthier, more productive working experience, regardless of company size, location or circumstance.
Heroin(E) Documentary with Necia Freeman
On October 22, 2019, the Department of Health Studies (DHS) hosted Necia Freeman at a screening of the Netflix Oscar Nominated Documentary short,Heroin(E) a panel event for students, DHS faculty, and DHS staff. This documentary details three Hunting West Virginia native's (a fire chief, a judge, and a missionary) quest to save their community from the heroine epidemic in the Region. Missionary at Back Packs and Brown Bags Ministry, Necia Freeman, came to speak on what is being done in the community now, details on drug court, and the future of Huntington. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Anastasia Snelling.
Bob Rosen on Leadership
Bob Rosen is Chairman and CEO of Healthy Companies International. Bob Rosen is the泭best-selling author of eight books, including the New York Times bestseller,泭Grounded: How Leaders Stay Rooted in an Uncertain World,泭and the Washington Post bestseller,泭CONSCIOUS: The Power of Awareness in Business and Life. Bob Rosen presented to faculty and staff in the Department of Health泭Studies, Human Resources, and AhealthyU about leadership on September 18, 2018.泭
Karambu Ringera on Empowerment for Social Change
On October 4, 2018, Dr. Karambu Ringera from Meru, Kenya gave an enlightening talk on the importance of empowerment for creating social change. Regardless of a persons life situation, it is imperative for a person to feel that they have the self-efficacy necessary to take charge of their life. This is essential for improving health behaviors, yet people who come from challenging situations often think of themselves as victims, rather than leaders. Dr. Ringera泭challenged this paradigm and gave examples of how she is inspiring change in marginalized groups in Kenya by empowering individuals泭to find change within themselves.
The Liberation: DC Central Kitchen Film
The Department of Health Studies showed the documentary, The Liberation, on November 5, 2018. The Liberation tells the story about recovering addicts, former drug dealers, and felons going through the DC Central Kitchen Culinary Training Program. Students from Professor Youngs Living and Dying in DC class and Professor Davis Food Justice Matters class attended the event, as well as students, faculty, and staff in the Department of Health Studies. Brendan Canty, one of the directors of the film and Professors Celeste Davis and Jessica Young led a panel to answer questions and discuss the film.
How Community Organizations Promote DC Health
On February 19, 2019, the Department of Health Studies (DHS) hosted The Role of Community Organizations in Promoting Health in DC for students, DHS faculty, and DHS staff. Rodrigo Stein, Health Promotion and Health Equity Manager at La Clinica del Pueblo, Jessica Rogers, Development Operations Manager at DC Central Kitchen, and Molly McGlinchy from Capital Area Food Bank led a panel discussion about how their organizations are promoting health in Washington, DC and how students can get involved in their organizations. Professor Melissa Hawkins moderated the panel discussion.