You are here: 51³Ô¹Ï College of Arts & Sciences 51³Ô¹Ï Museum 2019 Peripheral Visions

Peripheral Visions

April 6-April 24, 2019
51³Ô¹Ï Studio Art MFA First Year Exhibition

Jennifer Frank, Untitled

Jennifer Frank, Untitled, c. 2018. Styrofoam and acrylic, 7 × 16 ft. Courtesy of the Artist.

Lizzi Alarcon, Scrapper

Lizzi Alarcon, Scrapper, c. 2018-19. Duct tape, paper, plastic bags, felted wool, 8 x 8 x 6 ft. Courtesy of the Artist.

Chelsey Anderson, Pollen, 2018

Chelsey Anderson, Pollen, 2018. Oil on canvas, 20 x 38 in. Courtesy of the Artist.      

Nieko McDaniel, Wall Weaving

Nieko McDaniel, Wall Weaving, c. 2018. Cardboard, metal grid, yarn, 8 x 3.5 ft. Courtesy of the Artist.      

Basmah Alhumaid, Tribal Symbols

Basmah Alhumaid, Tribal Symbols, c. 2019. Graphic arts. Courtesy of the Artist.

Matthew Russo, Flotsam

Matthew Russo, Flotsam, c. 2019. Ink and acrylic on paper, 22 x 30 in. Courtesy of the Artist.

Amber Cruz, Untitled (Blanket)

Amber Cruz, Untitled (Blanket), c. 2018. Yarn, annealed wire, grease, Dimensions Variable. Courtesy of the Artist.

Cynthia Borges Warshaw, Requirement 2, 2019

Cynthia Borges Warshaw, Requirement 2, 2019. Mixed media, 48 x 36 in. Courtesy of the Artist.

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Peripheral Visions focuses on the community as well as individuality formed in the first year of the Studio Art MFA Program, showing a group of very different artists working and learning how to grow together. The word peripheral becomes the crux in understanding the show as a collective vision, while also highlighting the distance and boundaries that exist between each individual’s studio practice. Featuring the work of Lizzi Alarcon, Basmah Alhumaid, Chelsey Anderson, Amber Cruz, Jennifer Frank, Nieko McDaniel, Matthew Russo, and Cindy Warshaw.

Please see also Turbulence, the MFA Studio Art Thesis Exhibition.