Steve Kronheim, 1990. Dissertation title: Individual and group differences in minority influence.
PhD in Clinical Psychology
Teri Carroll, 1989. Dissertation title: Self-evaluation and dysphoria: The effects of self and social comparisons
Internship: Crownsville State Hospital
Faye Dixon, 1989. Dissertation title: Vulnerability factors in depression: A test of the diathesis- stress model in children Internship: St. Elizabeth’s
Tom Hays, 1994. Dissertation title: Person perception accuracy in aggressive, withdrawn, and normal 10 and 14 year-old boys Internship: Beaverbrook Guidance Center
Lisa Drexler, 1995. Dissertation title: Does money matter? The effect of fee structure of psychotherapy effort and outcome variables Internship: Mount Vernon Center for Community Mental Health
Ruth Edelman, 1996. Dissertation title: Great expectations? The relationship of goal setting, depressive symptoms, and affect intensity Internship: Cornell University Medical Hospital/Payne Whitney
Maureen Minarik, 1997. Dissertation title: Adult attachment in residence hall roommate relationships. Internship: Bethesda Naval Hospital
Alison Laster, 1997. Dissertation title: A brief intervention with mildly depressed undergraduate women: Retraining attributions for dating relationships Internship: Tulane University Medical Center
Lauryn Schmerl, 1997. Dissertation title:Â Attachment style, perceptions of vulnerability, and personality functioning in survivors of childhood and adolescent cancerInternship: Psychiatric Institute, NYC
Romy Smith, 2000. Dissertation title: Linking goal attainment to happiness: A moderator of the media effects on eating disorders? Internship: Springfield Hospital
Kathy Panos, 2001. Dissertation title: Mechanisms governing the generalization of self-efficacy beliefs in collegiate athletes Internship: St. Luke’s/Roosevelt, New York
Sarah Wesch, 2004. Dissertation title: Factors related to appearance satisfaction among women native to the Mountain Ok area of Papua New Guinea Internship: Kansas State University Counseling Center
Mimi Arnold, 2004. Dissertation title: Rebuilding life after a brain injury: Do social comparisons help patients cope? Internship: University of Texas Medical School
Jim Sexton, 2005. Dissertation title: How attachment style influences emotional experience via appraisals and approach/avoidance motivations Internship: The Women’s Center
Heather Bogdanoff, 2005. Dissertation title: The role of personal goals in predicting adjustment and well-being among individuals with acquired hearing loss Internship: Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn
Marika Kyrimis, 2006. Dissertation title: An examination of the relationships among mindfulness, emotional acceptance, emotional awareness, self-compassion, forgiveness, and self-judgment Internship: Cornell University/Payne Whitney
Ozge Gurel, 2007. Dissertation title: Effects of gratitude on subjective well-being, self-construal and memory Internship: Virginia Tech Counseling Center
Liz McIntosh, 2007. Dissertation title: Noticing and appreciating the sunny side of life: Exploration of a novel gratitude intervention that utilizes mindfulness techniques Internship: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Lisa Carlin, 2013. Dissertation title: Identifying factors associated with decreased risk of negative outcomes for military service members following psychiatric hospitalization. Â
Alisa Breetz, 2014. Dissertation title: BPD-relevant self-destructive behavior and dimensions of self-concept: Exploring the roles of self-concept clarity and self-esteem through a daily process design. Internship: Duke University Medical Center
Victoria Farrow, 2014. Dissertation title: Understanding physician stress: The relationships among stressors, mindfulness, perceived stress and physical functioning. Internship: Salem, Virginia VAÂ
Kimberly Gilroy, 2014.
Dissertation title: Adapted dialectical behavior therapy skills group for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A quasi-experimental trial. Internship: DC VA
Sharone Weltfreid,Ìý2016. Dissertation title: The relationship between mindfulness and perceived responsiveness to capitalization attempts. Internship: 51³Ô¹Ï Counseling Center
Kate Stewart, 2016. Dissertation title: Interpersonal effects of belonging: A brief intervention for university students Internship: Oregon State University Counseling and Psychological Services
Emily Farr, 2017. Dissertation title: Fear of emotion and antecedent emotion regulation Internship: George Mason University Counseling and Psychological Services
Laura Herron, 2018. Dissertation title: Don’t be so hard on yourself: Does daily self-compassion increase emotion regulation self-efficacy and improve mental health?Internship: Catholic University of America Counseling Center
Suzanne Parker, 2019. Dissertation title: Increasing tolerance of uncertainty Internship: Salt Lake City VA
Whitney Mhoon-Mock, 2020. Dissertation title: A values-based intervention to improve college student performance and retention. Internship: Washington DC VA
MA in Psychology (Recent)
Melissa Smith, 2008.
Thesis title: Mindfulness and college adjustment for former foster children: The mediating relationship of social support Subsequently she went to Catholic University’s PhD program in clinical psychology
Laura Myhr, 2009. Thesis title: The relationship between trait level mindfulness and coping in stressful situations Subsequently she went to St. John’s University’s PhD program in clinical psychology
Haseeb Majid, 2010.
Nonthesis work on gratitude.
Michael Mullarkey, 2013. Thesis title: Afraid to feel good: Is fear of emotion associated with creative problem solving? Subsequently he went to the University of Texas (Austin) PhDÂ program in clinical psychology
Emily Maher, 2014.
Nonthesis work on loving-kindness meditation.Subsequently she went to the Clark University PhDÂ program in clinical psychology
Naser Abdulraheem, 2016.
Nonthesis work on mindfulness. Subsequently he took a position in the gaming industry.
Rubie Peters, 2016. Thesis title: What is your number? Social norms surrounding desired number of sexual partners in the Mechanical Turk population.Subsequently she went to the University of Mississippi PhDÂ program in experimental psychology
Carla di Simone Irace. 2017.
Nonthesis work. Subsequently she joined 51³Ô¹Ï’s clinical doctoral program working with Dr. Caporino.
Tara Spitzen. 2018. Thesis title: Duration of negative emotion in the everyday lives of people with self-injurious thoughts and behavior. Subsequently she joined University of Toledo’s doctoral program in clinical psychology.
Kaori Hirano. 2020.
Nonthesis work. Subsequently she became a care counselor in the San Franscisco area.
Erin McCoy. 2021. Thesis title: Relational interdependent self-construal and friendship maintenance in adulthood. Subsequently she joined Carleton University’s doctoral program in social psychology.