You are here: 51³Ô¹Ï College of Arts & Sciences Psychology Honors Program

Honors Program Requirements

  1. Advanced Methods: The advanced research methods course (PSYC-433) with a grade of B- or higher.
  2. One Honors Colloquium: acceptable courses are designated by the department each semester.  The following courses will be accepted as honors colloquia for 2023-2024:  

    Fall 2023
    PSYC 444 Ethnicity and Psychology, Dr. Carter
    PSYC 497 Emotion & Cognition in Animals, Dr. Peynircioglu

    Spring 2024
    PSYC 454 Stereotyping & Prejudice, Dr. Duval
    PSYC 455 Cyberpsychology, Dr. Shapiro
    PSYC 497 Developmental Psychopathology, Dr. Caporino
  3. One additional advanced Psychology course with a grade of C or higher. This course can be a

    • 500 level course
    • 400 level course that is part of a 400/600 level offering (independent reading does not count)
    • Additional Honors Colloquium course (the Psychology Undergraduate Canvas courses listing has all colloquia courses for past years)  
  4. An Honors Capstone Independent Research Study supervised by a full-time faculty member and approved by the UCC. The student must enroll in one semester of PSYC 498 and has the option to enroll for two semesters.  This research study cannot be the same study developed in a research course.  It can, however, be a substantial expansion of that study.  

    After consulting with a chosen capstone advisor, applicants will write a three-page summary of their proposed study which will be reviewed by the director of the undergraduate program and the UCC.  This proposal is generally due approximately 6 weeks into the first semester of a student’s capstone research.  Up to $300 per honor’s student is available for research expenses.
  5. To enter the Honors Program, a student should have a GPA of 3.6 or higher in Psychology.  To graduate with Honors in Psychology, students must have at least a 3.67 GPA in Psychology (as mandated by the Registrar).

Typically, students apply to the program in their sophomore year, but students can request admission to the program in their junior or even senior year. Students can be in both the university and the departmental honors program.  

Contact Dr. Laura Duval at 202-885-1710 or for details.Â